Adding to the Bottom-line

IT Company: Saving R500k+

Our Client’s student identified through the Leadership Program, a revenue loss of R42 000 pm through inflated legacy pricing. Through manual migration 44 000 man hours and R 484 000 of engineers time would have been allocated to the migration process. The student streamlined and automated this process which has created a significant saving for the company and it’s bottom-line.

Financial Industry: Saving USD 47 722+ or R470k

In our work in Africa, in Malawi, the leadership student identified a gap in the approval of credit without approval which led to $47 722.00 or K22.9m in interest. The student implemented a vetting process for their new applications thereby saving $47 722.00 (R470k) for the year of 2014.

Healthcare Company: Collected R 1 500 000+

At the conclusion of one of the Leadership Modules, a student identified a gap in the collection of claims – 820 outstanding claims of R 1.8m since 2011. Through the restructuring of her team, up-skilling of her staff and relationships with departments, her team was able to collect the outstanding fees in 4 months. This process was duplicated in other areas of the organization.

Insurance Company: Priceless with regard to Customer Retention

In one of their Leadership projects, our Client’s student developed an application for members to communicate with the medical aid scheme from their cellphones and mobile devices. This improved the customer survey feedback significantly in that members had an alternative to going through a contact centre for basic information.

IT Company: Saving R30k pm per site

The Leadership Delegate identified increased costs due to unreliable power supply to their sites by Eskom. He implemented a self-sufficient system which saved the company R30k per month per site.

Medical Insurance Company: Saving R 12k+ pm

Our Client’s student saw the value of claiming rebates from service providers and devised a process so as to benefit from the offering. The revenue over a 12 month period equated to R240k to the bottom-line of the organization.